Our purpose is to help your activities become sustainable

We are a company focused on making supply chains more sustainable. We help companies, people and events to emit less and less greenhouse gases. We believe that with education, greater transparency and control of their actions we can help them to develop in a more sustainable way.

Our purpose

Descarbonize was created with the purpose of educating, calculating and compensating events, companies and people, helping them reduce their carbon emissions and making them more sustainable in their daily lives.

Our goal is to help them have a more assertive view of their emissions, making it possible to control their scopes (1, 2 and 3) so that they can reduce their footprint and, therefore, their impact on the environment.

Most of our offset sources originate from renewable energy with a strong social and environmental commitment. We invest in several projects bringing social inclusion, improvement of living conditions and, also environmental, for the entire local population.

Our values

Respect for others and the environment is the basis of our principles. To learn more, visit our code of ethics.

Our team

Antonio Portinho

Co-founder & CEO

Mar Gómez - Pantoja

UX Senior

Pedro Grisotti

UX Lead

Ben Baranger

Senior Software Engineer

Ana Elisa Wetz

Enviromental Engineer

Julio Quintana

Co-founder & CTO

Our partner

The largest 100% renewable energy generation company in Brazil is a partner of Descarbonize.

Totaling around 10 GW of own installed capacity in 77 plants, coming only from renewable sources.