Lages Biomass Plant

Santa Catarina Brazil

Lages Biomass Plant

Santa Catarina Brazil
Low carbon economy for a more sustainable world

Located in Lages, southern Brazil, the biomass plant started its generation in 2003 producing clean and renewable energy from the use of waste from the wood and forest industry. The cogeneration process produces energy in a clean and renewable way, adding value to the production chain, generating employment and local income.

In addition, several actions benefit the local population in the area of sports, education and cultural development. The Lages biomass plant is part of the Ekos Brasil project.

Project impact in numbers

4 Springs

recovered, providing quality water

1.7 thousand

trees planted

300 thousand

tons of waste reused

Social inclusion

through new economic activities

38 jobs

direct and indirect

196 thousand

tonnes of annual carbon emission's reduction

SDG - UN Sustainable Development Goals

Certified by the United Nations in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Lages generates carbon credits for avoiding methane emissions from the decomposition of biomass. This enables companies to offset carbon emissions and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); A global call to action to end poverty, protect the environment and climate, and ensure that people everywhere enjoy peace and prosperity.

real images of the site provided by ENGIE
SDGs of the Lages Project