Verified and traceable badges and certificates

When offsetting your emissions with us, you, your event or your company will have a Descarbonize badge available to be used in your communication strategy, a descarbonize certificate that can be traced, in addition to the certificate issued by the UN.

All our projects are certified by the United Nations in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), bringing much more transparency and veracity to the compensations.

Understand our certificate

The certificates issued by Descarbonize contain an initial and final serial number referring to the amount of emissions offset by the client and are generated from the serial number of the certificate issued by the ONU.

Serial numbers are proof that compensation was carried out only once and are available for consultation on the Descarbonize website and the UN website respectively.

Descarbonize serial number

Our badges

After the calculation and compensation process for a company, event, individual or product, we generate a badge that identifies that greenhouse gas emissions have been compensated.

Our badges generate brand value, can be used in communication materials, social media, among other channels.

Climate Friendly

For companies, events and individuals who have carried out their inventory (calculation of emissions) with third parties, or will only use our simplified calculator or only want to offset part of the emissions.

Carbon Neutral

For companies, events, products and individuals who calculated their emissions and offset all of them with Descarbonize.

Carbon Negative

For companies, events, products and individuals who calculated their emissions and offset twice the total amount with Descarbonize.